
The pillars of our company are peruvian artisans and alpacas. This is why our work is oriented towards their well-being. We value the richest of peruvian handcraft tecniques and the sustainability of alpaca fibre as a unique material.


The pillars of our company are peruvian artisans and alpacas. This is why our work is oriented towards their well-being. We value the richest of peruvian handcraft tecniques and the sustainability of alpaca fibre as a unique material.


Handcraft is an art that has been carried throughout generations in Peruvian families. It is by sheltering this traditions that many local people work very hard to provide for their families.

We believe that artisans should be recognized and receive a fair payment for their work, which unfortunately sometimes does not happen, making it impossible for them to continue living on their art. We work hand by hand with local artisans specialized in handmade alpaca fur and yarn products for home goods, home decoration, accessories and toys.

Our responsibility towards artisans is to help them enhance their business competitiveness and skills by improving the quality of their handcraft, attention to details and standardization of products without losing the essence of the handmade touch.

Qata Alpaca - Alpacas in their natural environment.

Guilt-free Fur

We believe in sustainability and have a commitment to respect the environment that is why all of our alpaca fur products are develop with selected hides that have been collected from natural decease animals.

In Peru alpacas are legally protected by SENASA (NATIONAL AGRARIAN HEALTH SERVICE). On the other hand, local breeders take good care of their animals since their main income comes from the alpaca fibre sales which takes place once a year after the shearing.

Unfortunately, a high rate of alpaca population die due to harsh weather conditions in the andes, parasitarian illnesses and infections and lack of food and water during frosting season.

Qata Alpaca - Alpacas in their natural environment.

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